Monday, December 11, 2017

                              VOX POPULI
                                 S Kamat
                                Aam Admi
           Issue: 231                     Date: 11.12.2017 

1. Pushing Back India By 50 Years
2. Was Ahmed A BJP Member? 
3. Jerusalem As Capital Of Israel 
4. Mani Shankar Aiyar's Expulsion A Hasty Move

                                  Pushing Back India By 50 Years

The expectation from an effective government is that it will first take care of people's material needs. Like food for instance where prices have been randomly spiralling time and again with the frequency of the spirals increasing. Take for instance the situation on onion and tomato prices that have been going through the roof which situation is made more disturbing with Minister Ram Vilas Paswan saying lately that he cannot do anything about it. A few weeks back it was vegetables which across the board had seen phenomenal price rises with French beans selling at Rs. 160 per Kg. Now the question is that if the government is unable to tackle and minimise the randomness of the rise in food prices or show their unwillingness to do so then do they have the right to remain in power?

The other thing is that citizens look to the law and order situation being secure and safe. However, random incidents of killing, lynching and murder across India lead to a fear and anxiety in the common man. This more so when you look at crimes against women and children particularly rape, sodomy and murder that have been on the increase. And if you happen to be dealing in cattle you have to carry your life in your hands to transact business since mere possession of any kind of meat that looks like beef or transporting cattle could have you beaten up and/or strung up from the nearest tree. Last month a woman care giver of cattle had to seek help and police protection in UP to transport a sick cow to another town for treatment. The support was commendable but why is it required in the first place? Then we have just had a person hacked to death with an axe and then torched in the name of love jihad. The video of this incident was carried by TV channels and one suspects that it will not be long before we will have similar incidents happening across the country in the name of the emotive issue of love jihad

The trend for making irresponsible comments scaling the heights of unreasonability and exhibiting a limited mindset continues with the furore being created lately on the film Padmavati. After lighting the fires of discontent among students in JNU & Osmania University by intolerance, then the violence by cow vigilantes, we are into the next phase. One does not understand why these needless tensions are created. Is it to seek the attention of the higher ups in the political establishment by ambitious party workers? These are questions to which answers are difficult to find. One feels that in the absence of a hard line being laid down by the top echelons of the party, those down the line take advantage of this silence and tend to play the fool.

The top leaders of the party in the meanwhile instead of concentrating on important issues of governance get overly involved in every election that comes up converting each into a prestige issue, like in the present case with Gujarat. With a comfortable majority in Parliament with which the government should have been passing legislation required for the country, this present government seeing the hurdles of not having a majority in the Rajya Sabha as an obsession has been chasing the States to control much needed votes. This has resulted in neglect of governance. 

To avoid this stigma the government in its anxiety to show performance has gone for the Big Bang measures like Demonetisation and implementation of GST without fully grasping the impact of these on the people and the economy. What is disturbing is that the government is ignoring the human pain and suffering that is caused by these two measures. By wearing a halo that they are fighting black money and corruption the government wants to cover themselves with glory. At the same time they tend to ignore the lakhs whose livelihood has been affected by either businesses compelled to get closed or thrown out of jobs. In the context of GST the stated aim of government is to legitimise businesses, minimise the use of cash in trade and improve tax recovery. All these are laudable objectives but the way the government is going after them is to throw the scare into people and with so many changes being advised, people would temporarily halt their economic activity until the situation settles down. If so and with this trend continuing the tax revenues will drop. For collecting tax, you need people to continue with economic activity, right?

Thus if you put all this together which is runaway prices affecting people's day to day lives, no safety or security for life or limb when you go out, a medieval mindset prevailing overall and no incentive for pursuing economic activity, one would have to conclude that since the present government has come to power in 2014, India has been pushed back by about 50 years. There is a serious need to reverse that s retrograde trend.

                                               Was Ahmed A BJP Member? 

Narendra Modi & the BJP in the context of their utterances during the election campaign in Gujarat seem to be obsessed with the Mughals ranging from Babar to Aurangzeb whom they invoke at the drop of a hat. This is rather unusual considering the saffron brigade's anathema of anything Muslim. It also brings to the fore that the major city in Gujarat over 22 years of BJP rule continues to be named Ahmedabad!

                                                  Jerusalem As Capital Of Israel 

Donald Trump's explosive announcement of the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel will reverberate a long time in the Middle East and will kindle the fires of turmoil where a shaky, tenuous peace has been prevailing. For long the city of Jerusalem holy to  Jews, Christians and Arabs has been thought to be kept as a common territory jointly administered by both Palestine and Israel in the final peace settlement if and when it happens. Trump's unilateral proclamation in this regard is going to stir things up in this region with people already taking to the streets in protest in Palestine and other Muslim countries. The announcement has also not been received well by the Western allies of the US like France and the U.K. among others. With the fires in North Korea not yet doused, Donald Trump one feels is taken on things which are more than that he can handle. One also fails to understand why the US President is stirring things up in places which are a lesser problem than concentrating on resolving matters which have reached conflagration point as in North Korea. 

                                   Mani Shankar Aiyar's Expulsion A Hasty Move

The Congress party one feels should show some more spine. A couple of days ago it expressed contrition for calling Narendra Modi a chaiwallah when he himself has admitted to being one on the current Gujarat campaign trail. There was no need for the Congress to express any regret considering the levels that Modi has been stooping with a new low by equating the Congress party to termites apart from other insults. Not only that he has been twisting history and re-interpreting  the utterances of eminent Indian leaders of the past to show that they were against Gujarat and Gujaratis to seek the sympathy of voters. In actual terms whatever Modi claims in these instances has never been what has happened or is the truth. 

Now the suspension of longtime leader, Mani Shankar Aiyar from the primary membership of the Congress party for calling Modi a 'neech admi' takes the cake. The riposte by Aiyar against Modi was absolutely in order and was probably done not to get Modi and the BJP get away with murder in slandering the Congress party and its leaders, both past and present. Modi has been fully deserving of this comment. Any sympathy that anyone thinks that Modi will get from the voters in Gujarat for this comment by Aiyar are all misplaced. It was important for the Congress to give back as much as it gets. There is also the situation that to get a message across sometimes you have to talk in a language that is understood by the other party. Modi and his BJP cohorts speak this kind of language  and it seems that it is the only language they understand. In fact by such comments Narendra Modi has been devaluing and demeaning the office of the Prime Minister of India which is rather a sad state of affairs. Now that the Congress has taken this hasty step in removing Aiyar from the party, you will find that Modi and the BJP will go to more extremes in their actions and language for the remaining part of the Gujarat campaign hoping that the Congress will expel more of their senior leaders. They already have Kapil Sibal on the Babri Masjid issue in their crossfires. In this manner Rahul Gandhi has played into the hands of Modi and the BJP.

It is said that all is fair in love, war and in election times. Modi is playing this maxim to the fullest extent. There  is no place for sentimentality and propriety at election times which is what Rahul Gandhi should understand and he should be giving back as much as he gets from the opposite party. Rebut them on every issue that they raise while remaining committed to the election plank that the Congress is pushing. With the impending elevation of Rahul as President of the Congress party, one could interpret the action of expelling Mani Shankar Aiyar as a show of strength. But if Aiyar wants he could make this action backfire against Rahul by laying the groundwork for a split in the Congress with the seniors going one way and the youth (below 60) remaining with Rahul. This scenario could be a flashback almost six decades back when Indira Gandhi put down her foot on who will run the Congress party. Testing times for Rahul Gandhi for sure. But Aiyar is too much of a Gandhi family loyalist to invoke this option though his feelings seem not to be equally reciprocated by the family. 


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

                                                        VOX POPULI
                                                                           S Kamat
                                                                         Aam Admi
                                                    Issue: 230                     Date: 04.12.2017

1. After Cyclone Ockhi The Western Coast Needs To Pull Up Its Socks
2. Modi's Irresponsibe Comments On The Gujarat Campaign Trail 
3. Celebrating GDP Figures Premature

               After Cyclone Ockhi The Western Coast Needs To Pull Up Its Socks

With India aspiring super-power and technologically advanced country status, the inability to give adequate early warning recently to our fishermen in the southern States of Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka about Cyclone Ockhi is somewhat disappointing. Thousands of fishermen from these States have been affected with some deaths, many rescued and hundreds still missing. This is a serious lapse on the part of the IMD and the State authorities to be responsible for causing human tragedy at such a large scale. As is usual the ball is being lobbied back and forth between the agencies mentioned above about the notices of the imminent cyclone not having been received in time from the IMD, while the IMD claims that though they advised on time the State authorities have been remiss in their duty to inform the fishermen. In any case, the tragedy remains a fact. The laxity on the part of the IMD and the State authorities could stem from the belief that on India's western coast cyclones are rare. The cyclone prone zone in India is the eastern and south-eastern seaboard off the Bay of Bengal which being ravaged by many cyclones during the season are as we are told fitted with a network of cyclone warning weather radars for almost the entire coast. The State authorities in this part of the country particularly after the last tsunami about a decade ago take the job of informing the local population about the impending cyclones with great seriousness and expeditiously so that people can take protective measures. The western coast in these matters is somewhat lax considering the incidence of cyclones being few and far between. But Cyclone Ockhi may be the first of many to hit the western coast from now on considering climate change and unusual weather patterns that we have been seeing around the world. Therefore it is imperative that we get our cyclone warning weather radars installed throughout the western coast so that there is some local intelligence about these natural events rather than have to depend on IMD all the time. Not only that State authorities have to gear up local administration to inform the local population of the impending natural disaster quickly and effectively so that preventive and protective measures are taken to protect the people. India aspiring to be a super-power need to accept the responsibilities that goes along with that status.

                  Modi's Irresponsibe Comments On The Gujarat Campaign Trail

Narendra Modi needs to tone down his comments which most of the time do not behove the office of the Prime Minister. His latest on the campaign trail in Gujarat is that those who object to the Bullet Train can travel in bullock carts. In a democracy to manage dissent is a necessity since otherwise we tend to quickly degenerate into an autocracy. We are a disparate country where affordance varies widely when it comes to public transport and bullet trains cannot obviously be the common or preferred mode of travel. Moreover the Bullet Train project takes away much needed funds from improving the existing creaking railway infrastructure. Not only that with separate isolated tracks, stations etc. the Bullet Train competes for infrastructure with the existing rail network and puts constraints on it. Not only that it encourages discrimination and is divisive to our society. Modi also needs to remember in this context that the last Vajpayee government went out of office on the irrelevance of the India Shining platform whose main proponent was the present Finance Minister, Arun Jaitley. It should not be that Modi finds himself booted out of office come 2019 for pursuing programs that support the rich to become richer and ignore the distress of the poor and the marginalised.

Modi went further in Gujarat and has said in the context of Demonetisation and the implementation of GST that his government will not back down and/or reverse difficult decisions. It is one thing to be firm when it comes to administration and yet another to be insensitive. Modi's government is more the latter when it comes to the two important measures that his government has taken as referred above. As for not taking back decisions made, his government has lately reverted the measure where the movement of cattle was banned, more famously known as the beef ban measure. The plea is that they will come with a better worded and more effective law that will take into account the realities of cattle trade which in the earlier draft was missing resulting in the lynching of people who were just going about their business with cattle that in some cases they had been doing for generations. In similar manner the cases of Demonetisation and the implementation of GST has been characterised by the ham-handed approach in putting through the programs. This all reflects as the Modi government's ineptness in handling matters of governance.

Concluding Modi on the election trail should remember the Prime Minister's office from where he is coming from and not indulge in casual, flippant comments and refrain from interpreting  history to suit his election plank.

                                          Celebrating GDP Figures Premature

On the GDP figures Arun Jaitley should know that one swallow is not the harbinger of summer as they say. He has to wait a couple of quarters to see if the trend has actually been reversed. Blowing his own trumpet and that of the government now is absolutely premature. Not only that the 2Q figures at 6.3% are just a tad above the 1Q 5.7% which is not robust enough to claim growth. It is also understand that amongst manufacturing that grew substantially in 2Q, oil refining had a major share. It should not be that the difference of 0.6% if true is because of the rise in international oil prices and the Ambani hand known for jiggling figures who dominate Indian oil refining. A little help from one bhai to another before Gujarat goes to the polls!