S Kamat
Aam Admi
Issue: 242 Date: 30.07.2018
1. Issues of Mis-Governance by Present BJP Government
2. Parrikar's Fishy Governance
3. The Sabarimalai Temple Judgment Does Not Take Into Account Matters Of
4. The Rising Cost of PM Narendra Modi to India
5. Stray Dogs Need To Be Caught & Put In Enclosures for A Swaccha Bharat
6. Banning Import of Fish Without Corresponding Assurance of Supply is
7. The Modus Operandi Of Lynching
Issues of Mis-Governance by Present BJP Government
Piyush Goyal, acting FM seems to know more about Swiss banks than what they themselves know while contesting the fact that the Indian deposits have gone up in the last year! He brought some report very intricate and complicated from another source to show that the deposits have actually gone 'down'. The very manner in which this was done created a very serious credibility issue with Goyal's claim. Such tactics are those of bullies who not wanting to know anything adverse about themselves try to muscle their opinions on others to prove that they are right. The BJP have been consistently doing this through the pendency of this government.
Like in the case of lynchings where the victims have been mostly Muslims and Dalits and happening in BJP governed States, the BJP are bringing the charge of being communal against the Opposition parties mostly the Congress instead of getting their cadres or those perpetrating such incidents to stop or catching such people and bringing them to justice.
Also the waiving of GST on sanitary napkins and making it Nil has resulted in local manufacturers not being able to avail input credit. This again shows that this government does not think through its measures. It will take another couple of months to solve the input credit issue and until that time the government touted price reduction for sanitary napkins will not happen because manufacturers are unable to reduce prices or can cut it down just marginally by 1-1.5%. The local manufacturers fear that by reducing the GST to zero and not giving input credit to them, the market will be flooded by imported sanitary napkins driving them out of business. This brings back to mind the days of Demonetisation and GST implementation where the measures were good in concept but being put through badly resulted in untold miseries for the common people.
The PM Research Fellowship (PMRF) program earlier limited to premier educational institutions like IIT's has now been expanded to all universities in the country. The fact that it was limited to some institutions had created a heartburn and had attracted charges of discrimination. The other reason for heartburn is that the amounts of stipend for the PMRF program is much higher than the similar fellowships run by the UGC & other Departments like Science & Technology which will now come to the fore since it is pretty apparent that the stipends need to be rationalised across different fellowship schemes. All this is happening within one year of the launch of the PMRF program. It is felt therefore that the program could have been launched with greater attention and its ramifications on other similar schemes of the government.
Parrikar's Fishy Governance
Manohar Parrikar seems to have lost his touch for governance. You can see this in the ham-handed manner he has been handling the formalin-in-fish issue. Being the Chief Minister of Goa instead of his interest lying in the well-being of Goans, he made a statement in the Assembly about his concern that the tourists are not ordering fish in the hotels. Have we come to the stage that we need to sacrifice our interests for the benefit of tourists? Or is it only for the benefit of tourists will things get done in Goa and not for its local people? The other thing is about the fish mafia operating in the Margao wholesale market. Having been Chief Minister many times, is this the first time that he is becoming aware of the mafia? Also it is insulting to Goans to make out that one man, Ibrahim or whatever his name is, controls the fish trade in Goa? This is what even Parrikar's statements have made us believe where he has said that some politicians are linked to the mafia. Lastly, allowing fish trucks to come to Goa from other States except for consumption is leaving the door slightly open for fish wholesalers to earn more than a premium at this time of shortage since this fish will finally end up only in the markets. If you have a ban then you should have a complete ban and stop all fish coming into Goa. If Goans are suffering by not having fish in their daily diet, the fish processors need also to suffer and forego their business in the interests of Goa for the duration of the ban.
The Sabarimalai Temple Judgment Does Not Take Into Account Matters Of Faith
The Sabarimalai Temple judgment is indicative of the very limited scope that the Supreme Court judges have taken and that is the equity of men and women. Shri Parasaran, counsel for the Nair Soceity appearing in the case before the Supreme Court has argued eloquently and brought out almost all aspects to negate the judgment that has not taken into account the matters of faith. It is faith that last Mon, 23rd July on the occasion of Ashadi Ekadasi the Lord Vittal temple in Pandharpur attracted anywhere between 8-10 Lakh pilgrims to pay their respects to the deity, some who may have walked from near Alandi near Pune to Pandharpur, a distance of close to 300 Km. over a span of 15 days. These devotees get the physical strength to undergo the journey by the power of their faith in the Lord. Nobody gives them transportation, the devotees come on their own unlike political rallies were people are herded into buses or other means of transport but even then they are no match for the crowds that throng temples for religious events. The Rathayatra at around the same time in Puri draws similar crowds of devotees. The Kumbh mela at Allahabad is another example where large crowds are drawn by their faith in the event. There are other lesser pilgrimages of similar nature in North & Eastern India where it is pure faith that inspires the devotees to go beyond the boundaries of their physical self. Even at Sabarimalai it is again faith that draws the pilgrims to the temple in the middle of the forest in huge numbers. It is now that roads have been built and access to the temple has been made easier but even now there are the die-hards who prefer to trek through the jungle, camping in the open for at least 5-6 days facing the risk of being attacked by wild animals, crossing the river Pamba and then reaching the temple the first day it opens for the Makara Vilakku festival. Such things cannot be explained or rationalised in the limited framework of black and white paperwork. Allowing women of the ages of 10-50 to the Sabarimalai Temple will shatter the faith of the countless multitudes of pilgrims that visit it during the two limited spans that it is open during the year. Lately the Supreme Court has been a touch over-enthusiastic in taking up matters which may not necessarily be in their domain taking advantage of which there are petitioners who file cases in the hope of getting a judgment which makes the matter beyond the reach of any other argument. The Supreme Court needs to be wary of such tendencies. A case in point of equivalence that can be cited is that the Mumbai High Court lately has been asking why so many abortion cases of advanced foetus formation are coming to it since maybe it was more than generous with its judgments in earlier cases.
The Rising Cost of PM Narendra Modi to India
Modi's cost for the Jaipur rally held on 7th July 2018 was about Rs. 7.5 crores mainly to transport some 2,50,000 attendees. In addition t9 this there was the cost of food that was given to those who were brought for the rally. This entire cost was to be borne by State and Central agencies and not by the party. No wonder the fiscal deficit is spiralling beyond control. To recover all this the government will again pick the common man's pockets by increasing some levies and taxes. The PM is expected to address 50 such rallies in Rajasthan alone before the Assembly elections there and you can well imagine the cost that we, the public will have to bear. The PM has again gone off on an African tour touching South Africa among other countries. If you take statistics since 2014 when Narendra Modi became PM you will find that he is the most widely travelled head of State in the world. The embarrassed government has been at its wit's end to find ways of refusing RTI enquiries on the cost of the PM's visits abroad which it has in any case been successful in stalling.
Stray Dogs Need To Be Caught & Put In Enclosures for A Swaccha Bharat
Rabies inoculation for stray dogs being done in Goa in association with a NGO should have been expanded in its scope. In any case the dogs need to be caught to be inoculated for rabies at which time they could have been put in pens so that they do not roam free. Dogs are a major source of dirtying our surroundings with their pooh (shit) & their habit of urinating anywhere and everywhere. These stray dogs are also a source of danger for small children and older people whom they attack sometimes with fatal consequences as we have seen across the country. Therefore it is important that they are not allowed to be let loose. The success of the Swaccha Bharat Abhiyan will depend to a large extent how we are able to stop the dirtying of Bharat by stray dogs.
Banning Import of Fish Without Corresponding Assurance of Supply is Meaningless
On the formalin in fish issue we are still going in circles with the Goan people continuing to be deprived of fish. The latest statement of CM Parrikar that he would extend the ban on imported fish if the people want to feel safer should have been backed up by the undertaking that once the fishing season starts next week, Goan trawlers would be asked to deliver their fish to local markets only. It is going to be close to one month now that the controversy has erupted and with not only the Goan people deprived of fish but the trade also suffering for lack of a proper decision in the matter. In contrast in neighbouring Maharashtra when there was the suspicion of formalin in fish in some markets from fish brought from outside the State last week CM Phadnavis immediately had the fish tested and after ensuring it was clear allowed the sale of fish and also set up a testing procedure across all major markets of seafood. There was no bickering about this, that and the other like we are seeing in Goa. The simple thing that could have been done in Goa was to immediately have all outside fish come to the Margao wholesale market where the FDA could have set up a temporary laboratory to test the fish for formalin and other adulterants and only with their clearance the fish would be allowed to be unloaded and sold. As days passed this temporary lab could become a permanent facility. Also outstation suppliers would become wary knowing Goa's testing procedure and supply only good fish. What we are seeing is just a tamasha of banning without considering the needs of the people and the depriving of income of the trade particularly those for whom the daily earnings are important. Mr Parrikar, Clearly this is not a government that works!
The Modus Operandi Of Lynching
The way the model for lynching works is that it is instigated by the BJP top leadership but since it happens in the States they can wash their hands of it since law and order is a State subject. Thus they have a deniability on the matter. This is the devious manner in which the lynching wave is being carried across India but unfortunately the majority of the incidents are happening in BJP ruled states which is coming back as a slap on the party's face. All this is part of a plan to orchestrate communal riots just prior to the General Elections. The BJP does this to boost their macho image which they believe makes them win elections in the Hindi heartland. You can see indicators of this with Ministers at the Centre accusing Congress and other Opposition parties of being communal and one Minister going to the extent of saying that more the lynchings, more the popularity of the PM!