Saturday, July 7, 2018

Vox Populi Issue 238

                                                   VOX POPULI
                                                        S Kamat
                                                        Aam Admi
                               Issue: 238                       Date: 02.07.2018
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1. Modi In His Transit Of Time to The Emergency Has to Stopover At 2002 Gujarat   
2. Giving Dole To Our Youth Is A Bad Idea
3. Demonetisation: Biggest Scam Unleashed By The BJP On Free India

   Modi In His Transit Of Time to The Emergency Has to Stopover At 2002 Gujarat Riots

Why does Narendra Modi and the BJP have to go back four decades to the Emergency? Would it not be easier for him to go back less than two decades earlier to 2002 to the Gujarat riots? Riots close to a pogrom that one saw then was much worse than what the Emergency was all about. Mind you I am not in support of the Emergency since at that time I was in Delhi and have seen from close quarters the atmosphere prevailing at that time and the trenchant work that Atal Bihari Vajpayee had done in standing up to the excesses that were being imposed across the country. As for freedom of speech and civil liberties the progressive curtailment of these fundamental rights since 2014 is there for all to see which has demoted India in the eyes of the world in reports that have been published by foreign agencies. The latest in such reports said India is the most dangerous place in the world for women. What more can you expect with rapes that dot the landscape across India of women ranging from infants of 6 months to old ladies above 70 years. As for law and order today fundamentalist gangs roam the countryside and if you are not aligned to their views you are exposed to violence ranging from thrashing to lynching. One cloth suits all is the slogan of Narendra Modi but not with his monogrammed initials on it and uniformity of public opinion is sought and dissent is derided and ridiculed. We are fast reaching the stage of the fabled Emperor's New Clothes since none in the BJP has the guts to stand up to Modi, so they blow the horn that is official Issue making the same cacophonous noise in praise of the Emperor. Returning to the Emergency theme, it is the classic Modi touch of drawing a red herring across the political firmament to divert public debate. Come on, Modi, get real!

                                        Giving Dole To Our Youth Is A Bad Idea

The Goa Congress' idea for a dole or unemployment allowance for our unemployed youth is like an investment which in fact all government schemes are. The politicians support such schemes for the amount of kickback that they will get. Imagine in a constituency if the MLA is able to get the allowance of Rs. 1000 at the minimum for a 1000 youth or even 500 then if 10% is shovelled back to the MLA then that is a cool Rs. 1 Lakh or Rs. 50,000 a month revenue stream flowing in. Who can look away from that kind of money coming in without lifting a finger? But the basic thing is that a dole or unemployment allowance will make our youth all the more lazy and they will not at all look for a job. Moreover they will look for avenues to earn easy money. It is like the old adage- Give a man a fish and he will come back to you tomorrow. But teach him fishing then you would have helped him forever. Like that let our government train our youth in job skills and make them employable. Today it is a vicious circle, the youth are not skilled for which reason the industry cannot employ them and the youth make no attempt to pick up job skills because they are all waiting for a government job. Actually the malaise relating to employment is deeper particularly in Goa. Why do people keep waiting for a government job? Because of the salaries and the major perk that it offers, you do not have to work and sometimes you do not even have to come to the office to work. Only pick up your monthly salaries and go home. The salaries are also high compared to the work that is put in and over the years the salaries will up go up which is a certainty. So who wants to look for another job? Here again the politician comes in who has a hidden agenda in paying government employees more since it is a vote bank and again while hiring people the concerned officials can make money which in most cases, the share of which goes right up to the minister. Thus higher the salary a very comfortable and pliable body of government employees and higher the money to be paid for getting a government job to the powers-that-be. Thus ends the fairy tale with a happy ending like they say - They all then lived happily ever after. But God help the common man who goes to the government for work. Either he will not find the official in his seat or under some pretext or other he will be made to run around or told flatly that his work cannot be done unless a bribe is paid. This is India, this is Goa. Amen. 

                Demonetisation: Biggest Scam Unleashed By The BJP On Free India

In the aftermath of Demonetisation the seizures that were made from various individuals and entities seems to be only to bring in money to the BJP party coffers. A RTI enquiry by a Mumbai activist got a response from the Finance Ministry that in 2017-18, the amount seized on account of post-Demonetisation unaccounted deposits under Operation Clean Money was Rs. 997.19 crores from 11,120 raids  that were conducted. This out of 1.33 million accounts that were under scrutiny involving Rs. 2.89 Lakh Crores as declared by the Finance Ministry's press release. Again against the seizures made of Rs. 997.19 crores no FIR's were registered and neither were any arrests made by the IT Dept. (For details see The Asian Age, Mumbai edition P2 of 25.6.2018) Again if you assess the 11,120 raids made in 2017-18 it is only around 1% of the 1.33 million accounts under review, so it is logical to assume that the IT Dept. will take a 100 years to complete scrutiny of the cases if they continue at the present pace! Normally the pattern for such activity is that in the year of launch things happen at a frenetic pace and then over the years taper off. While here even though the cases are clearly identified the pace to bring these offenders to book is slow from the beginning and not serious enough. Therefore one suspects there is a different agenda at work. This could be that the remaining suspect account holders would be called and a deal struck so that the IT Dept. Is happy and the BJP party is also made happy. Even a 1% on Rs. 2.88 Lakh Crores is not an amount to turn up your nose at, what with elections around the corner. The latest info as seen in the media is that Swiss banks recorded 50% increase in deposits from Indians over the last year, the total money now held by Indians in Swiss banks is Rs. 7000 crores. BJP coffers also saw the maximum rise among all political parties in the last year. So to add to the above statistics on Operation Clean Money, it is logical to assume that after the BJP share was paid, they could remit the remaining money to Swiss banks or wherever under the scheme that Chidambaran cleared of foreign remittances up to $250,000 do not require special clearance r in whichever manner. And then as is now when the Swiss banks deposit information comes out the government as if it was all ready and prepped up blame Chidambaran for the rise. Come on Jaitley, you know that Chidambaran is history now and if it was so, what were you doing since 2014. You could as well closed the leaking tap by repealing Chidambaran's scheme. Again if you were at all serious about blocking and eradicating black money, the first thing was that you should have done is stopped this scheme. What were you doing, sleeping on the job? And when caught out, go looking for a scapegoat! Jaitley's claim also that the rise in deposits in Swiss banks may be 'white' money which is legitimate is somewhat suspect since generally deposits will track economic growth and with our GDP growing at less than 7% in recent years, how can deposits grow at 50% in a single year and that too in Swiss banks. This is again the black money mafia sneering at the government in its efforts to catch them. At the time of Demonetisation they ran rings around the government by getting dummies to exchange notes and used the Janata accounts to deposit money and now they continue with their unashamed rise in Swiss Bank deposits. Concluding, it is evident that the  Demonetisation was the biggest scam enacted in free India to convert black money into 'white' and to fill the coffers of the ruling BJP party.

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